Undocumented Communities Need Permanent Protections, ‘Parole’ Falls Short 

Undocumented Communities Need Permanent Protections, ‘Parole’ Falls Short 

It is without exaggeration that we say that the future of many people in this country depends on what will be included in the Build Back Better Plan.

Undocumented immigrants have fought for decades for legislative relief, and this past election cycle Democrats campaigned heavily on immigration reform. Now that they are in power, these elected leaders are caving to interparty pressure and robbing American’s of a once in a lifetime opportunity to rectify a key part of our broken and disastrous immigration system.

The ‘parole’ option that is now being offered to the undocumented community as ‘relief’ is restrictive, inaccessible, and costly to immigrant communities already being impacted by economic exploitation during a global pandemic. Additionally, temporary solutions like parole are a tried-and-failed tactic. DACA, for example, is a temporary policy solution with an uncertain future that has faced legal battles since its inception.

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Dignity Not Detention Coalition: Biden admin kills popular CA law to end private detention

Dignity Not Detention Coalition: Biden admin kills popular CA law to end private detention

Today, a panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals directed the District court to block California’s AB 32, a state law signed in 2019 which banned private prisons and private immigration detention centers in the state. This same federal district court judge, Janis Sammartino, had largely upheld the law last year, but a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit - including two Trump appointees - reversed that decision today. The State of California now has the option of either appealing the decision to a larger “en banc” panel of judges on the Ninth Circuit or asking the U.S. Supreme Court to take the case.

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SIREN Statement: Updated Deportation Memo Rebrands Terror, Allows Enforcement Agents Broad Power

SIREN Statement: Updated Deportation Memo Rebrands Terror, Allows Enforcement Agents Broad Power

The Sept. 30 Mayorkas memo is an underwhelming reiteration of the interim guidelines set into place by the Biden administration back in January. The resulting memo relies on the same tired, criminalizing language that enabled the Trump administration to reign terror on immigrant communities for four years. Unfortunately for the communities we serve, the result of Mayorkas efforts to reset immigration enforcement away from Trumpian levels of targeted, racist persecution did not match the bold proclamations of Democrat leaders on the campaign trail, who, under Biden’s leadership, promised more than they have delivered.

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SIREN Statement on Parliamentary Ruling Excluding Citizenship from Budget Reconciliation Process

SIREN Statement on Parliamentary Ruling Excluding Citizenship from Budget Reconciliation Process

Today, Senate parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough ruled against Democrat efforts to create a path to citizenship through the budget reconciliation process, citing that the measures effect to the budget would be “merely incidental,” in a three-page memo sent to the Associated Press.

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SIREN Statement on Draft Language for Pathway to Citizenship Released by House Democrats

SIREN Statement on Draft Language for Pathway to Citizenship Released by House Democrats

This past Friday, Democrats in the House of Representatives released draft language for a much-needed immigration proposal to be included in the budget reconciliation process. The draft bill includes language that would put millions on the pathway to citizenship, including DACA Recipients, TPS Holders, Farmworkers and Essential Workers. Now, we await a complicated political showdown where the Senate Parliamentarian must approve this bill for the budget reconciliation process. This process is intended to get around the obstructionist filibuster, used by Republicans for years to block progressive legislation.

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SIREN Statement on DACA Trial Court Decision

SIREN Statement on DACA Trial Court Decision

On July 16, 2021, a federal judge in Texas ruled that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival Program (DACA) was illegal, and barred DHS from approving new applicants to the program. Though the decision is likely to be appealed in courts, the emotional toll taken on the undocumented community by these constant attacks to their stability and livelihoods is incalculable.

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SIREN Recognized as 2021 CA Nonprofit of the Year!

For Immediate Release: 

June 29, 2021 

Contact: Jose Servin, Communications Manager, SIREN 

jose@sirenimmigrantrights.org, 714-728-2520 


Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN) chosen as a  

2021 Nonprofit of the Year  


San Jose, June 29 – SIREN is proud to announce it has been selected as a 2021 California Nonprofit of the Year by Assemblymember Alex Lee representing California's 25th District. 

SIREN is one of more than one hundred nonprofits that will be honored by their state senators and assemblymembers for their tremendous contributions to the communities they serve.  

At SIREN, we provide free legal services related to immigration, refugee, and asylum cases to protect our community from detention and deportation. We also engage in policy advocacy, community organizing and civic engagement. Every year, we assist thousands of clients with affirmative and defensive legal services, including DACA renewals and citizenship applications. 

“The team at SIREN works everyday to try and improve the lives of immigrants in our community who are directly impacted by a prejudiced immigration legal system. We do this work out of experience and passion. It's truly a humbling honor to be recognized by Assemblymember Alex Lee as a 2021 Nonprofit of the year,” comments Maricela Gutierrez, SIREN’s Executive Director. 

 “The pandemic and shelter-in-place orders of the past year and a half have put nonprofits  – usually hidden in plain sight – in the spotlight,” explains Jan Masaoka, CEO of the California Association of Nonprofits (CalNonprofits). “California Nonprofit of the Year is an opportunity for our elected officials to celebrate the good work they see nonprofits doing in their districts, and for everyone to appreciate the collective impact of nonprofits in our communities.” 

Additional Background 

California Nonprofits Day, now in its sixth year, was formally recognized by 2021 Assembly Concurrent Resolution 80, authored by Assemblymember Luz Rivas, and co-authored by Senator Monique Limón. Each year legislators from across California have chosen a Nonprofit of the Year in their district.  

Traditionally, honorees and legislators are invited by CalNonprofits, Chair of the Senate Select Committee on the Nonprofit Sector Senator Monique Limón (Santa Barbara), and Chair of the Assembly Select Committee on the Nonprofit Sector Assemblymember Luz Rivas to a celebratory luncheon on California Nonprofits Day. This year, like 2020, the luncheon was canceled in response to pandemic restrictions, but legislators moved forward with honoring nonprofits doing great work in their districts.  


According to “Causes Count,” a 2019 report commissioned by CalNonprofits, the nonprofit sector is the 4th largest industry in the state, employing more than 1.2 million people. Each year, California nonprofits generate more than $273 billion in revenue and bring in $40 billion in revenue from outside of California. The unpaid labor contributed by volunteers at nonprofits is equivalent to 330,000 full-time jobs every year. 




Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN): Here to stand for immigrants and refugees rights!

SIREN Calls for Permanent Solution For All on 9th Anniversary of DACA

For Immediate Release:

June 15, 2021

Contact: Jose Servin, Communications Manager, SIREN

jose@sirenimmigrantrights.org, 714-728-2520


9 Years of DACA: Temporary Solution Continues to Leave Too Many Out, 11 Million Waiting on A Permanent Solution 

California – Today is the ninth anniversary of the landmark Executive Action enacted by the Obama administration in 2012 intended to protect certain young, undocumented immigrants from deportation and allow them to work legally in the US. Since its inception, the executive order has faced legal threats and charged rhetoric from Republicans and Democrats alike. On its ninth anniversary, 634,000 DACA-recipients anxiously await a ruling by U.S District Judge Andrew Hanen that could strike down the action entirely. DACA has become a contentious policy that, on the one hand, is a lifeline for many young immigrants, who are grateful for the opportunity to work and provide for themselves and their families. On the other hand, the majority of undocumented people in the United States are left out of any form of relief, and are subject to targeting, detention and deportation by an Immigration, Customs and Enforcement (ICE) agency designed to ruthlessly dehumanize individuals and separate families.

At SIREN we believe that the only solution lies in all-inclusive, comprehensive immigration reform that provides citizenship for all 11 million undocumented people in the US, without any carveouts for individuals affected by the criminal injustice system. Undocumented people are a part of our social fabric, and they deserve the ability to exist with dignity, and to access the resources necessary to survive.

Maricela Gutierrez, Executive Director at Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN), issued the following statement:

“Every day that we do not put forward a truly permanent immigration solution, we allow families to be separated, communities to be terrorized, and fear to spread. For those that can benefit from it, DACA is always under threat. For those that can’t, it is a moving target they cannot reach because of arbitrary restrictions, like age. We’re at a pivotal moment in history where anything less than full citizenship for all 11 million undocumented individuals in the U.S is, frankly, a political failure.”

At SIREN, we provide free legal services related to immigration, refugee, and asylum cases to protect our community from detention and deportation. We also engage in policy advocacy, community organizing and civic engagement. Every year, we assisted thousands of clients with affirmative and defensive legal services, including DACA renewals and citizenship applications.




Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN): Here to stand for immigrants and refugees rights!

Statement: SIREN Celebrates Success of Community Efforts to Shutdown Camp Roberts

For Immediate Release:

June 3, 2021

Contact: Jose Servin, Communications Manager, SIREN

jose@sirenimmigrantrights.org, 714-728-2520

SIREN Celebrates Fed's Decision not to House Unaccompanied Minors at Toxic Camp Roberts Military Base - a Huge Win for the Immigrants’ Rights Community

   Today, SIREN and community advocates from the #ShutDownCampRoberts Coalition are celebrating the news that, after months of community-led advocacy and resistance, the department of Health and Human Services has announced they are no longer considering Camp Roberts military base in San Miguel, CA as a site to detain unaccompanied minors. 

SIREN expresses its deepest sympathy to the children seeking care, compassion and relief from economic and natural disaster at the southern border. As such, we have consistently advocated against the proposed use of Camp Roberts to house up to 5,000 unaccompanied minors on the grounds that a military base with active military members and a history of toxic waste disposal is  a completely inappropriate location for housing children. SIREN condemns the use of any facility that deprives an individual of the freedom of movement and contributes to the U.S’s damning legacy of family separation. We continue to advocate for a better way to exercise our duty to support the international community in times of need. 

“We celebrate today because we don’t have to worry about the danger and damage that 5,000 children would have surely faced at Camp Roberts. The fight continues until our demands are met. SIREN and our partners will continue to oppose child detention - at Camp Roberts and anywhere else. There is a better solution for these children that is not rooted in the immoral and unnecessary expansion of the carceral system,” said Maricela Gutierrez, Executive Director of SIREN.

We call on our local representatives to urge the Biden administration to take the following steps:

  • Rescind provisions in the Title 42 Health Code that expel asylum-seekers and result in institutionalized family separation

  • End the use of large-scale ‘intake’ and ‘influx’ for holding children, especially those that exist on military bases

  • Implement policies and protocols that expedite the reunification of children with trusted family members, relatives, and/or caregivers

  • Abolish all detention centers, jails and prisons


SIREN Condemns Trump’s Renewed Attacks DACA/ SIREN condena los renovados ataques de Trump DACA

For Immediate Release: Wednesday 29, 2020

Contact: Priya Murthy mediainquiries@siren-bayarea.org

Phone: 408-453-3003 land line

SIREN Condemns Trump’s Renewed Attacks DACA

Today, in another blatant attempt to attack immigrant communities, the Trump Administration announced that it would not comply with the United States Supreme Court’s recent ruling regarding Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). In a memo released by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the agency announced that it will: not accept initial DACA applications, not grant advance parole unless they meet “exceptional circumstances”, and it will shorten the current DACA protection and work authorization period from two years to one year for pending and future renewal applications. Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network (SIREN) strongly condemns the Administration’s repeated repeated efforts to perpetuate its xenophobic agenda.

SIREN expresses its deepest empathy and support for DACA recipients, DACA eligible recipients, and the entire immigrant community for this immoral and hateful move by the federal government . In addition to worrying about the ongoing global pandemic, current and potential DACA recipients now have to worry about being in legal limbo yet again. 2 Maricela Gutierrez, SIREN’s Executive Director, stated “This should also serve as a reminder that this is not the first time the Trump administration attacks immigrant communities—it is just the latest. Yet the community is resilient and has fought back time and time again. DACA-recipients were instrumental in the fight to secure the decision that the Supreme Court rendered and will continue to fight against this racist effort by Trump. This Administration cannot play games with the lives of our communities.”

SIREN continues to ensure community members are informed and that allies can support. In response to this memo, SIREN urges the following

  • For DACA-recipients or potential DACA-recipients, we are here to serve you. Please call our San Jose office (408-453-3003) or Fresno office (559-840-0005) to schedule an appointment with one of our attorneys to discuss your options.

  • For Congress, we urge members to pass a Clean DREAM Act so there is a permanent solution

  • For state and local governments, we urge you to continue to do everything in your power to fight for Dreamers and increase funds for DACA scholarships.

  • For allies, we urge you to contribute to SIREN so we can provide fee scholarships in order to cover the exorbitant $495 fee—which may now be an annual fee (rather than every two years) under this new memo for those already fighting to make ends meet.

DACA recipients—we see you, we hear, and we will continue to fight for you.

SIREN condena los renovados ataques de Trump DACA

Hoy, en otro intento descarado de atacar a las comunidades de inmigrantes, la Administración Trump anunció que no cumpliría con la decisión de la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos con respecto a la Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia—el programa conocido como DACA. En un memorando publicado por el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional, la agencia anunció que: no aceptará solicitudes iniciales de DACA, no otorgará libertad condicional a menos que cumplan con "circunstancias excepcionales", y acortará la protección de DACA y la autorización de trabajo actuales período de dos años a un año para solicitudes de renovación pendientes y futuras. La organización SIREN condena enérgicamente los repetidos esfuerzos de la Administración para perpetuar su agenda xenófoba.

SIREN expresa su más profunda empatía y apoyo a los beneficiarios de DACA, potenciales receptores de DACA, y a toda la comunidad inmigrante por este movimiento inmoral y odioso del gobierno federal. Además de preocuparse por la pandemia mundial en curso, los beneficiarios actuales y potenciales de DACA ahora tienen que preocuparse por estar nuevamente en el limbo legal.

Maricela Gutiérrez, directora ejecutiva de SIREN, declaró: "Esto también debería servir como un recordatorio de que esta no es la primera vez que la administración Trump ataca a las comunidades de inmigrantes, solo es el ataque más reciente. Sin embargo, la comunidad es resistente y ha luchado una y otra vez. Los beneficiarios de DACA fueron fundamentales en la lucha para asegurar la decisión que tomó la Corte Suprema y continuarán luchando contra este esfuerzo racista de Trump. Esta Administración no puede jugar con la vida de nuestras comunidades ".

SIREN continúa garantizando que los miembros de la comunidad estén informados y que los aliados puedan apoyar. En respuesta a este memo, SIREN insta a lo siguiente:

  • Para los receptores de DACA o los posibles receptores de DACA, estamos aquí para servirle.

  • Llame a nuestra oficina de San José (408-453-3003) o a la oficina de Fresno (559-840-0005) para programar una cita con uno de nuestros abogados para analizar sus opciones.

  • Para el Congreso, instamos a los miembros a aprobar una Ley Clean DREAM para que haya una solución permanente

  • Para los gobiernos estatales y locales, lo instamos a que continúe haciendo todo lo que esté a su alcance para luchar por los Dreamers y aumentar los fondos para las becas DACA.

  • Para los aliados, les instamos a que contribuyan a SIREN para que podamos proporcionar becas con el fin de cubrir la exorbitante tarifa de $ 495, que ahora puede ser una tarifa anual (en lugar de cada dos años) en virtud de este nuevo memo para aquellos que ya luchan para llegar a fin de mes conoce

Destinatarios de DACA—te vemos, te escuchamos y seguiremos luchando por ti.

Maricela Gutiérrez - Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network


Donate to SIREN and give the gift of opportunity.

The opportunity to LEAD. DREAM. VOTE.

Donate here: https://siren.nationbuilder.com/donate

Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network ꞏ 1415 Koll Cir, Suite 108, San Jose, CA 95112, United States
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Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN): Here to stand for immigrants and refugees rights!

SIREN Condemns Finalization of Public Charge Regulations // SIREN Condena La Finalización de las Regulaciones de Carga Pública

Organization Supports Litigation and Congressional Challenges to Protection Low-Income Immigrants and Their Families

Press Release Photo 8.12.19.jpg

Today, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) finalized its regulations, to be published on Wednesday, that will change the agency’s determination of “public charge”. When the regulation was initially proposed by the federal government, it was met with overwhelming opposition from those who work with immigrant communities as a clearly discriminatory attack on immigrants surviving through poverty. While analysis of the final rule is still underway by legal experts, it will expand the types of benefits used in the determination of “public charge” and make it more difficult for low-income individuals to demonstrate that they can receive a green card. This will result in a chilling effect on any immigrant who gets basic government for necessities such as having a roof over their heads or putting food on the table. Many of those affected are tax paying immigrants who would be targeted for using the very public benefits that they pay into and help support. The new rule goes into effect on October 15, 2019 and national organizations and local governments, including Santa Clara County, have announced they will file lawsuits to prevent its implementation.

The following is a statement from Maricela Gutiérrez, Executive Director of SIREN:

“The decision by the Trump administration to move forward with finalizing this rule is nothing less than racist. During a time when immigrants are already reeling from a myriad of attacks by targeting immigrants, it is especially egregious to make it harder for those seeking a green card. This rule has already had a chilling effect on immigrants who rely upon the government for their health care, housing, and basic food needs - even if they will not be affected by the rule itself or are not seeking a green card. The administration is sending a clear message that if you are not white and you are not wealthy, you are not welcome. As analysis of the rule unfolds, SIREN will continue to educate the community on the rule, support litigation efforts to challenge the rule, and urge Members of Congress to support legislation preventing its implementation.”


La Red de Servicios, Derechos de los Inmigrantes y Educación (SIREN) condena la finalización de las regulaciones de carga pública

La organización apoya los litigios y los desafíos del Congreso para proteger a los inmigrantes de bajos ingresos y sus familias

Hoy, el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS) finalizó sus regulaciones, que se publicarán el miércoles, que cambiarán la determinación de la agencia de "carga pública". Cuando el gobierno federal propuso inicialmente la regulación, se encontró con una oposición abrumadora de quienes trabajan con comunidades de inmigrantes como un ataque claramente discriminatorio contra los inmigrantes que sobreviven en la pobreza. Si bien el análisis de la regla final aún está en marcha por expertos legales, ampliará los tipos de beneficios utilizados en la determinación de "carga pública" y hará que sea más difícil para las personas de bajos ingresos demostrar que pueden recibir una tarjeta verde. Esto resultará en un efecto escalofriante en cualquier inmigrante que obtenga un gobierno básico para necesidades tales como tener un techo sobre sus cabezas o poner comida en la mesa. Muchos de los afectados son inmigrantes que pagan impuestos que serían el objetivo de utilizar los beneficios públicos en los que pagan y ayudan a mantener. La nueva regla entra en vigencia el 15 de octubre de 2019 y las organizaciones nacionales y los gobiernos locales, incluido el condado de Santa Clara, han anunciado que presentarán demandas para evitar su implementación.

Lo siguiente es una declaración de Maricela Gutiérrez, Directora Ejecutiva de SIREN:

“La decisión de la administración Trump de avanzar en la finalización de esta regla es nada menos que racista. Durante un momento en que los inmigrantes ya se están recuperando de una miríada de ataques al atacar a los inmigrantes, es especialmente atroz hacer que sea más difícil para aquellos que buscan una tarjeta verde. Esta regla ya ha tenido un efecto escalofriante en los inmigrantes que dependen del gobierno para su atención médica, vivienda y necesidades alimentarias básicas, incluso si no se verán afectados por la regla en sí o si no están buscando una tarjeta verde. La administración está enviando un mensaje claro de que si no eres blanco y no eres rico, no eres bienvenido. A medida que continúe el análisis de la regla, SIREN continuará educando a la comunidad sobre la regla, respaldará los esfuerzos de litigio para desafiar la regla e instará a los miembros del Congreso a apoyar la legislación que impide su implementación ”.



Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN): Here to stand for immigrants and refugees rights!